Free webinar: Personalised Flemish online education for expats and world citizens

As a family with children abroad, it is important to keep a link with Flanders and to maintain Dutch. It is partly a cultural concern, but it’s much more than that. A thorough knowledge of the Dutch language and Flemish culture ensures a smooth return to the Flemish education system. d-teach responds to this with a Flemish curriculum.

As a bridge organisation between Flanders and the world, d-teach has been providing high-quality online education for pupils and adults for 10 years. As an online school, it has managed in that time to build up a very satisfied customer base in more than 50 countries. The personalised lessons are based on a scientifically solid pedagogical framework and are taught by qualified teachers.

d-teach offers online lessons to a wide target group, from pre-schoolers to adults. We not only offer language lessons, but also tutoring in French, Maths, Physics,… You can also obtain a certificate in Dutch as a foreign language (CNaVT) or a Flemish diploma via the examination board.

We were hosting a webinar on Monday, August 29th where we will provide more information about who we are, what we do and what we can do for you. Below you can find the recording (Dutch).