Free webinar: Soft landing in Flemish education
ICONS Summit: Empowering e-Inclusive Education Worldwide – 3rd International e-Learning Conference powered by d-teachadded value of our online lessons.
d-teach is committed to help Bridging the Digital Divide
Unforgettable and Inspiring: d-teach’s mission to Senegal
d-teach developed a free online module to teach Dutch to Ukrainian children. Belgian teachers can use this for free in their teaching practice. Our school was lauded for this and included as good practice by Europa.
d-teach has been selected for Digital Education by the European Commission.
d-teach has joined the NOB network (= Dutch education abroad).
As a bridge organisation between Flanders and the world, d-teach has been providing high-quality online education for pupils and adults for 10 years. Curious? On Monday 28 August, we will hold a free webinar with more information.
As part of our Baekeland mandate, we published an article on the roles of the synchronous online teacher in July.